Funny squirrels will follow you in this adventure

Funny squirrels will follow you in this adventure

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Were you looking foward to seeing Avatar?

It's ready! Let's go to the movies and let's see the new movie by the director of "Titanic" James Cameron.

It's a revolution!

The futures has came yet!!

Avatar is the most expensive movie in years!!

Let's enjoy the 3D and let's visit Pandora, fantastic new Cameron's planet.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Writting is my hobby.

When everybody likes football so much I detest it and i prefer sitting in front my computer to write my feelings or simply new stories.

May be I should write about anything else, but while I write I feel good wih myself.

Any topic can be useful to write about, but you should be creative.
Aminatu Haidar.

What do you think about her?

Should we help her?

What will happen if she die? And the Sahara?

Could we see the day when it become independent?
The Oscars and Penélope Cruz.

When she was a child she went to dance classes.

Then Bigas Luna caught her for "Jamón, jamón".

Afterwards she bacame an Almodóvar's girl.

After that she went to Hollywood and became a celibrity.

Woody Allen discovered her talent for comedies and she won an Oscar Award.

After Vicky, Crisitina, Barcelona, she could be nominated again to the Oscars.

Her roll as Carla in the musical "Nine" where she works woth Kidman and Cotillard, could achive other Oscar.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

You have to read it. I love writing and this is one of my best stories.


Winston’s Park is a nice place in Down Hill, as everything is in Britain.
Sara Stick is a typical British lady, because se loves drinking tea, she supports Manchester United, she considers pets as humans, she only speaks English (anything else); she want her husband to leave night dreams in bed, when he snores to much, and she only cooks potatoes (anything else). Jacked potatoes, potatoes with beans, with tomato sauce… “She love them”.
She don’t like talking about how old she is, but she knows that Mrs. Chew is the oldest lady in the neighbourhood and she knows as well that Mrs. Pine’s husband is ten years younger.
She loves cooking as she loves training, steeping, going to the gym… Nothing!
Lady Stick is married with Sir Stick since world was created and she detests him, but it doesn’t matter because he loves haunting.
Sir Stick is haunting foxes in Beth Forest with his dogs (a British man can get lost without dogs) ( dogs are for him as the sons he never had) while Lady Stick is drinking tea with Winston’s ladies. Lady Margot, Lady Rose, Lady Petunia, Lady Rosemary….
Lady Stick’s house is the main building in the park. It’s as Winston’s Town Hall. If you have lost any lady, you can catch her there. They love talking and talking and whispering about secrets. They are as Winston’s Post, Winston’s Yellow Press and they are always right. Always!
Legends and Winston’s myths say that any man who entries at Lady Stick’s house while ladies have meetings or anything else… they attack him as they are the British Female’s Pride.
Lady Stick’s Palace is a small and comfortable house with enormous rooms. - Everything is big at my home- she says always to her friends- Everything!
Winston’s ladies enjoy spending afternoons at Stick’s house, so most of them loves saving money, as they buy cheap products in Bury’s, and going to Lady Stick house is the best way to the luxury. Winston’s ladies cannot afford spending lots of money while Lady Stick love rolling on it. Legends and myths say that she is more rich that the Queen of Britain, but last year some Down Hill’s Ladies, most of Stick’s enemies, said that Lady Stick jewellery was good forgery.
So they decided to phone police to discover the truth, because they are “honest”. Goodness’ ladies.
This is Karen’s parents life. This is Posh British Tea at five o’clock, and this is common in Down Hill. However she is different. I fall in love the first time I saw Karen. She is different.
- I try to avoid the tea hour with ladies and her dialogues- she said to me once.
- I try to avoid what’s up in my family. If police and curious Winston’s ladies cannot know the truth about my family, it’s impossible for me. I’m not a detective as they are- she said me twice- I try to break out Winston’s Park, but mum think that I’m Winston’s princess or something like that and I must spend time with “modern” ladies- she said me.
I thought that Karen repeated me something lots of time because she wanted me to hate this place, but I felt well in Winston’s Park since the first day, although I’d have liked to change something.
The first day I arrived at Stick’s Palace, all of hem were waiting at me in front of the Stick’s main door with orange juice, biscuits, chips, chocolates… Winston’s ladies were astonished, as they were locking forward to seeing me. They wore precious necklaces, golden bracelets, earrings, diamonds… However they always said- We’re in the red- We’ re poor.
I got home on food, after I had got lost in Down Hill, because no taxi, nobody, no bus, no car was waiting at me in Down Hill’s Main Square, but I didn’t mind at first, because I thought- They maybe cannot afford to pay me a taxi, o something like that.
But I had realised how kind Down Hill’s people were. So kind. When I tried to ask something they said to me- You must have lost here. Could I help you, guy? – so I answered- Don’t worry. How pleasant you are, and how amazing, fantastic, kind, polite… and how British you are….
My English teacher in Spain had told about English education, about how you have to ask something… and I did it, but when I turned up I noticed that person had run away. Why?
Eventually I arrived at Winston’s Park and there was everybody. Karen was also there.
When Is saw her, I thought- Which is my mission in England? Improving my English, but catching Karen as well. I couldn’t refused her, because I had expected to have a friend, a girlfriend since I was born and she was perfect, excellent, young, sweet… British. But I was the foreign boy.
I thought that asking her to go out could be difficult but I started to try it with ladies’ help.
- Hey, boy- lady Stick said to me- Dou you speak English?
- Of course- I said - Nice to meet you, lady… lady Steel.- I said.
- Stick, my darling- I’m lady Stick and they are Winston’s ladies.
- Are you Spanish, don’t you?- Petunia said to me- Ole, Ole, Ole!
- Muuu! – Rosemary exclaimed- We love bull fighting, guy.
- It’s a hoax, doesn’t it?- lady Stick asked her a little bit angry- You’re British ladies.
- Oh, yes, honey! We are British ladies and we love animals. Bull fighting is as murdering!
- As foxing, sweetie!- Margot said- We must be coherent. No haunting and no fighting.
- Oh, poor boy!- lady Stick exclaimed- He seems upset about our opinions.
- Don’t worry! I don’t like bull fighting as well.
- But you must be proud of your Spanish Football Team. “Toures, Vila…” Ole, ole!
- I don’t like football. Sorry.
- Don’t you like sports?- lady Rosemary asked.- It’s impossible! Don’t you like football?
- No. No football and no sport, except swimming, “as Phelps”.
- Bahh! He is American! America no! You are in England, in Down Hill, in Winston’s.
- Yes,…mmm…. Your name is….- one lady doubted.
- Fracesc.- I said.
- Franceso? – they asked- Francisco? Paco….? “Paquitouu”? Paquito el Chocolatero!
- Mmm- I was a little bit scared- No, Paquito, no.
- Silence ladies- lady Stick said- Silence, please! (they were talking as parrots) Shut up, impolite ladies!
- No!- they exclaimed- We’re so polite, we’re kind, honest…we’re British.
- Of course you are- lady Stick affirmed- So he have to say together…
- Welcome Francesco!! Nice to meet you! You’ll become British! You are fortunate to be here, because we’re Winston’s ladies. Drink tea, take biscuits and say- I’m British.
- I have an idea- lady Rosemary said- Do you like Spanish music?- “Macaruena”
I must say that I never forgot that day and I became so tired after dancing Macarena with Winston’s ladies. It’s her favourite hit and they say- Here it’s the last craze! It’s so fashionable!
Since that day I thought that you have not to ask why British like everything that they like. It’s obvious! Oh my God! Drinking tea, British tea from India in a posh atmosphere has shocked me.
I couldn’t speak with Karen the first week in Winston’s, because she was different as I thought at the beginning. It would be more complicated to get her love. A little impossible!
- Go out, silly!- she said to me the first day- Do you know what do we do with foreign people? Go out if you don’t want me to bother you. I’m so good in Karate.
I was so sad, and my heart was broken. It was a disaster. She tried to avoid me always and everywhere, she want me to be hungry, because she hold my food… and She was a “delinquent”.
The second week I decided to speak with Winston’s ladies. I wanted them to give me old advices, because I had arrived at Winston’s to get love from Karen, to… to… to kiss her. And ladies maybe knew how I could love Karen. They were her dear neighbours. I decided to visited them!
It was a strange sunny afternoon in Winston’s. Karen had left home to go to karate classes. Lady Stick was having a shower and her husband was haunting foxes. Yes, foxes!
I expected to be at tea time in Stick’s posh tea room. It was as a Chinese Palace room with porcelain statues everywhere. I was afraid of breaking something.
.- Lady Stick?- I’m here- Petunia said- Hey! I've brought delicious biscuits. They tastes nice!
-All is nice here- I thought- Lady Stick is having a shower upstairs.- I said.
- Oh, honey! What are you doing here?!- Lady Rosemary said.
- Oh! Don’t you know what time is now?- Lady Margot asked.
- Yes- I answered- You are going to drink tea, and eat biscuits and whisper. You love whispering!
- Got out, boy! This is as female’s meeting. And you’re a male.. Don’t you?
- Of course! Of course!- I was terrified because the first day I arrived there they seemed so polite and sweet but then, they were as witches. Terrible witches that were just to attack me!
- Excuse me- I said- I’d like, my ladies, to speak with us if you agree.
When I saw their faces I felt panic, but when Lady. Stick appeared next to me I relaxed and I realised what Winston ladies were. They were “normal” ladies. They were wolves on sheep’s clothing! But I was sure and I wanted to pact with them, because I loved Karen.
- Oh, Sara!- they said at the same time- You’re so pretty!
- Yes. I’m feel pretty and I’m so pretty..- she started to sing.
- Forget this- Petunia said- American songs?! No!!
- What are you doing here, Francesco?
- We’ve invited him to spend time with us- they said as lovely they tried to seem.
- Oh, how nice British ladies are! Do you want tea?- Lady Stick asked to me.
Then I started to cry and I left the room by an impolite British way, but I was fed up. Why Winston’s ladies were so hypocrite. Why?
However I needed them to love Karen, and the third week I was there, before I saw how Karen loved me, I decided to knock on Petunia’s door.
- Do you want Karen to take you to school?- My host mother asked.
- Mum?!- she said- I’m such in a hurry! He can go on food!
- Yes, but school centre is a little bit far. Go by your motorbike, please.
The day I noticed that Karen was older than me, I regretted loving her because I felt stupid. Furthermore I didn’t’ know why I loved her. She was only pretty. Whenever I had think in girls in my life I thought in other kind of girls. Why did she stared me and said to me- Go, stupid boy!-?
I was shocked and I decided not to go to school that day because I must visit Winston’s ladies.
- Who is there?- Petunia asked when I knocked her fashionable wooden door.
- Good morning Petunia! You’re so kind to…
- You, again! You’re being molest and impolite, and… no British. What did we say you last week, Paquito? Move your body and leave me alone!
- I want you and yours friends to help me. I need some advice. Right now, please!
- You’re being so impolite! You say please all the time, but your English grammar is…
She invited me to seat on a flowery old sofa and she brought me a cup of cream tea.
- What are you doing here? What do you want, “duck”?
- Mmm… I’d like you to… Dou you know that…?
- Yes, shy guy. All the neighbourhood knows that you love Karen Stick, but you must know that you have nothing to do. She must be a polite lady, but she likes men things, she loves sports, she like going out and doing bad things… Yes, bad things as…
- So, are you going to help me?
- It isn’t easy, boy. What could you offer us?
- What? I have nothing. What do you want?
- We want you- the rest of the ladies said, who had just left the kitchen.
- Why?- I asked- I’m not handsome, I’m normal, I’m a innocent boy… Sorry, but..
- Stupid boy! You don’t imagine how much love and how many boyfriends we have- Petunia said- Moreover we can help you if you help us. It’s a treatment!- she shouted- Do you agree?
- Ok, but what could I do? Washing, preparing tea, tidying rooms, massaging your feed?
- You must kill Lady Stick!- they said as the same time.
At this moment I became so pale and I was surprised about this horrible answer. Firstly I thought it was a joke, a terrible joke. But when I looked at her faces, I saw ugly witches. It couldn’t be really. Actually I noticed how polite they were when lady Stick was together and how unkind they were when they were alone with me. However I had never imagined something like this.
- Why do you want me to do this? Why? I’m a good boy. Mum said- You’re my angel.
- It’s a secret, impertinent guy.
- Yes?.- I asked- If you don’t say that, I won’t help you.
- Ok, and you won’t get Karen’s love. Never.
Love is live and I couldn’t say no, but I knew that I didn’t want to kill Lady Stick.
- Killing Lady Stick is so important- Margot said- Her grandparents were aristocratic and legends and myths say that she has an important treasure in the basement. So important!
- Why?- Now he know our secret- Petunia said so angry- How unfortunate we are. Oh my God!
- Do you believe in God, in heaven… and do you want me to kill Sara Stick?
- Don’t say stupid things- Rosemary said.
- Maybe killing Lady Stick is no necessary.- one lady said.
- I say the same. I agree with you- I said- I don’t understand this. Why do you want to murder her if you are always at her home drinking tea and eating biscuits as…
- Stop, silly boy! Don’t be impolite. - Have you ever see Monk? If somebody steals something from her house, police will think that we are the criminals, but if you kill her, nobody will accuse us because people consider us as saints. I'm Santa Petunia.
- So you want me to kill her, you want me to be guilty and you want me to go to jail.
- Brilliant!- they clapped so happy as perverse people they are.
- Ok- I accepted- If you promise me that Karen will love me, I’ll do that.
- Ok. We promise it. We must hold our hands. This is Winston’s Conspiracy.- Petunia said.
They explained for hours what I must do. While they broke into the basement to get lots of money and jewellery that they thought there were, I had to kill Lady Sara Stick.
Next week I realised that Karen was different with me. She started to speak with me normally and I thought that maybe she had the same feelings. I thought that maybe at first she was distant with me because she was afraid of love. But it was so prefect, these thoughts were so sweet.
- I’ve spoken with ladies- she said to me one mooring- They said to me who you are really.
When I discovered that Karen had started to flirt because she thought me to be Spanish millionaires’ son. Winston’s ladies had done her homework.
Despite loving me by this way, since that day we started to talk and talk. I discovered who Karen was and I realised she loved irony and I discovered as well that she hated Winston’s lady.
On the one hand I was getting Karen’s love but on the other hand I had to kill her mother on next Sunday at tea time. I couldn’t do this, I had nightmares every night, hard headaches…
I decided to tell Karen the truth. She must know the witches that were living among them.
I had phoned Winston’s ladies on Saturday’s night, while Sara was watching television.
Winston’s ladies gave me a little crystal bottle in which said “Poison” – You have to pour one drop in her Chinese porcelain tea cup. In her…- she remained to me.
Sunday’s morning was so delighted but I was sweating blood since I woke up early.
- Don’t worry- Karen said to me- You must think that all is right.
- No!. I exclaimed- I’ll kill your mother at five.
- You don’t have to do it- she said to me- You know that I’ll try to avoid it.
- I did a pact with Winston’s ladies. If I helped them in Winston’s Conspiracy, they helped me to… Do you Know the story?
She didn’t answer, but she took my hands and she kiss me as I could noticed how sweet their lips tasted- We’re going to give ladies a stab in the back- she proposed - Have you ever thought how difficult could be to kill many posh British ladies at the same time – she joked.
- Of course, Karen. Drinking her own Posh British Tea.- I said.
It was five o’clock and Sara Stick was impatient.
- I’m worried about ladies. Maybe they are sick. I’m going to make some tea, guys- she said.
- You must go upstairs- I said to Karen- Ladies have not see you.
- I know where I have to be, Mr- she said- If I leave you alone, you are going to kill her.
The main door was open and Winston’s ladies went inside while I poured poison in one of the tea cups, as ladies could see me doing that.- Great!- Petunia whispered.
I could see ladies going to the basement quickly, but they didn’t realised that the door was open.
When all of them were downstairs I heard Karen locking the basement’s door. It was genial!
- What are going to do?- I asked her- You have to avoid mum to drink tea. – she said to me.
While Karen was phoning the police I saw Lady Stick crying. Sara’s dog loved tea. It had drunk it.When police reached home, Karen opened the basement’s door and ladies started to shout- Sara’s jewellery and money are forgeries. She is a criminal.- I was shocked because finally ladies had won the match as they could see how Mr. and Mrs. Stick were jailed because they were thought to be criminals.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Are you gonna see the film "2012"

It's about world's ending.

Is it gonna be catastrophic?

I'm not expected to see it.
Old Woody

I saw his last film on Friday.

It's fantastic and it critisizes life and humankind.

It's about dreams, happiness and...

You must see it.